Thursday, April 16, 2009

a letter to her...

when the soles of these feet are worn,
and my rainbow still seems far away,
could you hold me in your arms,
and tell me I’m strong, be my strength?

if my heart’s running from this world,
and my feet have forgotten the way,
could you hold my hand to never let go,
and bring me back, show me where’s home?

should I lose my mind, forget how to trust,
and break your heart to cause you hurt,
could you pardon me the sentence of hate,
still believe in our love and remind me the same?

when my time comes, the reaper’s call,
and my body surrenders it’s last breath,
could you save me a little space in your garden,
where, in peace my soul could forever rest?

I used to wonder if I could live without you,
when the only music to my soul is the sound of your voice,

but now I’m sure I can’t live without you,
cause it is only to the rhythm of your loving heart,
that my feet have know to dance…


  1. could me pardon me the sentence of hate,
    still belief in our love and remind me the same?
    These were my favourite lines in this poem.
    But aren't we expecting too much of the person we hurt to just forgive us and actually keep loving us. But maybe that is love. Unexplained!

  2. well,
    "could me" was a typo...
    it's "could you"

    i wish i never bring the time upon anyone to have to pardon me of such a sentence.

  3. I agree with Rashi... love gives us expectations.. hopes.. and inexplicable dreams.. some times they are a little too much. but to find someone with whom we can turn our life into a dream a dream that only we could see , is pure bliss!!

    the poem was a magic to say the least :) god bless!

  4. thanks very much...
    it means a lot,
    coming from a fellow writer.
